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Devpac Amiga 2 Release 2.15
============== ============
Although individual program version numbers may vary, the version
number that should be written on your registration card should be 2.15.
When requiring technical support or reporting bugs, please be sure to
also quote the version number of the individual program in question.
Lattice C users should read the LatticeInfo file on this disk. The ARP
library has been updated since version 2.13.
We have added many new features to Devpac Amiga since version 2.08,
detailed below:
Shift-Amiga-A assembles without the options requestor.
Shift-Amiga-L loads a file without the ARP requestor for the benefit of
slow hard-disk users.
A minor problem with RAM cards in high memory was corrected (e.g. on
the A3000).
Various bugs have been fixed, including multi-line macro calls, quoted
section names and BSS sections. In addition it is now possible to pass
quoted filenames to GenIm2.
Expressions of the form lab1-lab2 are now allowed when lab1 and lab2
are both in another section (which must be the same section).
When using Word- or Long-sized indirection, addresses are checked to be
even, for example MOVE.L 5,A6 will give an error. This may be disabled
if required (e.g. 68020 users) using OPT E-
The register list syntax produced in MOVEM lists from MonAm is now
accepted by GenAm.
The | character is now accepted as a bitwise OR operator (for all you C
Symbols set using REG may now be used in expressions, with a warning.
Their value is the same as that used in the MOVEM op.
If generating executable, absolute code you may specify ORG.W which
will force all program references to be short-word.
The RORG directive is now supported for compatibility.
There are several new optimisations that the assembler can perform,
using OPT O. Additional types are:
3 Short Word Addressing
References to absolute addresses in the range 0-7FFF and FFFF8000 to
FFFFFFFF will be optimised.
4 MOVEQ optimising
Statements of the form MOVE.L <expr>,Dn will be optimised to MOVEQ if
<expr> is -128 to 127 inclusive.
5 Quick Optimising
Statements of the form ADD # and SUB # will be optimised to ADDQ / SUBQ
if possible.
6 Warning of short branches
Not strictly an optimisation, OPT OW6+ in combination with OP O1+ will
give warnings on forward branches that can be made short so you may
optimise them yourself. The warning messages produced by each
optimisation may be individually controlled, using OPT OWx+ / OPT OWx-
where 'x' is the optimising number (shown above), e.g. OPT OW3+
There is a new option which can be used to detect typing errors, OPT i.
With this on, any indirect, absolute reference (other than location 4)
will give the error '# probably missing'. For example, the line
and.b $df,d1
will give an error as and.b #$df,d1 is really intended. This can be
overidden on a line-by-line basis (e.g. for hardware register access)
by specifying the expression within brackets and using .W or .L, for
example move.l (_ciabase).L,d0
When using the stand-alone version of the assembler it is possible to
define labels on the command-line using the -e option, which should be
followed by one or more assignments, separated by commas or spaces.
Such definitions are parsed as if they were the second line in the
source (i.e. after any options). For example,
genim2 test -l -e TYPE=4,OUTPUT=1
The '@' character is now allowed in symbols, except when followed by a
digit from 0-7 when it is taken as the start of an octal number. This
is for Lattice C 5.0 users.
Shell 1.3 Users: GenIm2 may be made resident. GenAm2/MonAm2 must not be
made resident as they are not re-entrant.
Various bugs have been fixed, including disassembling certain BTST
instructions, the register window display, 68020/030 compatibility,
Ctrl-T on a breakpoint, symbol character significance, and
All memory is now checked before it is read to ensure it exists.
Previously any reads of hardware registers (@C00000) or accidental
reads because of wrap-around could cause nasty crashes. Invalid memory
is displayed as **
The Alt-O command can be repeated by pressing space after it shows the
The default printer is now nothing, previously it was PRT:
68020/030 Users: please note the instruction cache is turned off while
MonAm is loaded to prevent nasty interactions with the debugger. The
cache is restored to its original state when the debugger terminates.
Disabling the cache will produce a performance degradation for which we
can only apologise. Please also note that the Tutorial in section 1.11
is not valid for these processors because they allow the odd-access
that is used in the example.
Disk Details
In order to make space on Disk 1, the following files and directories
have been deleted:
Utilities all
Fonts all except Topaz
System some
You can find these files on your original Workbench disk that came with
your machine.
When using GenAm2 and MonAm2 on PAL machines with external RAM, you may
sometimes get *two* mouse pointers; one will be the normal Intuition
pointer, the other will be the custom pointer associated with the
program you are using. Do not be alarmed - this seems to be a harmless
bug in Intuition.
The gb keymap has been updated so that the Help key works on A500s.
Last changed: 17 October 1990.